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peach morganite
Specification: Round:1-5mm,marquise:2*4-4*8mm,square:2*2,oval/pear 3*4,3*5,4*6
Detail: There are morganites in many fine pink hues. Some are decidedly peach, whilst others tend more to lilac or light violet. Or there may be a hint of orange - when all's said and done, Mother Nature has provided the right gemston...
Specification: Round:1-5mm,marquise:2*4-4*8mm,square:2*2,oval/pear 3*4,3*5,4*6
Detail: From the light blue of the sky to the deep blue of the sea, aquamarines shine over an extraordinarily beautiful range of mainly light blue colours. Aquamarine is a fascinatingly beautiful gemstone. Women the world over love it...
brazil amethyst
Specification: Round:1-5mm,marquise:2*4-4*8mm,square:2*2,oval/pear 3*4,3*5,4*6
Detail: Brazil amethyst production quantity is much more than other amethyst areas. The amethyst has its hardness (7), its moderate refraction and its weight in common with the other quartzes, but the crystal structure is different, a...
bolivia amethyst
Specification: Round:1-5mm,marquise:2*4-4*8mm,square:2*2,oval/pear 3*4,3*5,4*6
Detail: Bolivia amethyst offers protection against drunkenness - for the Greek words 'amethystos' mean 'not intoxicated' in translation. A more apt stone for the month of February, particularly if there is to be plenty going on in the...
south africa amethyst
Specification: Round:1-5mm,marquise:2*4-4*8mm,square:2*2,oval/pear 3*4,3*5,4*6
Detail: Africa amethyst colour is as unique as it is seductive, though in fact this gemstone of all gemstones is said to protect its wearer against seduction. The amethyst is extravagance in violet. For many thousands of years, the mo...
Specification: Round:1-5mm,marquise:2*4-4*8mm,square:2*2,oval/pear 3*4,3*5,4*6
Detail: Do you love both the purple of amethyst and the sunny gold of citrine? Are you an avid Minnesota Vikings fan? I have the perfect gem for you! Sometimes amethyst and citrine colours are found in the same crystal of quartz. Thes...
green amethyst
Specification: Round:1-5mm,marquise:2*4-4*8mm,square:2*2,oval/pear 3*4,3*5,4*6
Detail: Green Amethyst is believed by crystal healers to facilitate the gap between the physical and spiritual aspects of life, attracting prosperity through strengthening the mind, emotions and will. Mostly mined in Brazil, Green...
pink amethyst
Specification: Round:1-5mm,marquise:2*4-4*8mm,square:2*2,oval/pear 3*4,3*5,4*6
Detail: Its colour is as unique as it is seductive, though in fact this gemstone of all gemstones is said to protect its wearer against seduction. For many thousands of years, the most striking representative of the quartz family has ...
Specification: Round:1-5mm,marquise:2*4-4*8mm,square:2*2,oval/pear 3*4,3*5,4*6
Detail: The name is derived from the colour - the yellow of the lemon - , although the most sought-after stones have a clear, radiant yellowish to brownish red. Like all crystal quartzes, the citrine has a hardness of 7 on the Mohs sc...
lemon quartz
Specification: Round:1-5mm,marquise:2*4-4*8mm,square:2*2,oval/pear 3*4,3*5,4*6
Detail: Lemon quartz is the lemon yellow variety of quartz. It is more lemon in color than a citrine, which has tones of orange in it. Citrine and Amethyst are both in the quartz family of gemstones. Some people mistakenly call prasio...
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